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人大社14年7月新书快递27-《常春藤英语 七级•二》



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书名:常春藤英语 七级•二             
作者:聂成军 童凤雨       
责任编辑:王琼 程子殊
成品:170*228  页数:323

◆ 本书卖点

◆ 读者定位

◆ 作者简介

◆ 内容简介

◆ 简要目录
1. His Best Friend on the Range
2. California’s Giant
3. Sal Maglie on the Art of Pitching
4. The Greatest Grizzly
5. Munchausen Visits the Moon
6. A Lily in the Kitchen
7. Christmas in Africa
8. The Return of “ the Flying Garbage Can”
9. Spinners of Steel
10. Fast Runners
11. She Plays Music for Plants
12. Pioneer in Space
13. The Park
14. And They Shall Walk
15. Riding the Blue Colt
16. Why We Walk in Circles
17. The Big Wind
18. Minister Imagination
19. On Land And Sea, Animals Produce Living Light
20. American First Great Newspaper Editor
21. Jai Alai
22. Roof Work
23. The Salt of Earth
24. The Tooth Trade
25. First Ride on Pal Joe
26. The Funniest Courage of All
27. The Telltale Eye
28. Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo
29. She Signed Dollar Bills
30. Abalone Spells Adventure
31. Two Loaves of Bread
32. The Right-handed World Is a Clumsy World for Lefty
33. Winter Comes to the Animal World
34. The Star of the Magí
35. Who Decides, Reader or Critics
36. The Miracle of Language
37. From Smiles to Tears
38. The Just Man
39. Hunting the Giant Manta Ray
40. The Future Really Is in Your Hands
41. Lady of the Wasteland
42. We’ll Never Conquer Space
43. Frog Hunting Family Style
44. Is Your Judgment Warped
45. The Truth about Those “Invisible” Ads
46. Brave Ballerina
47. The Treasure of Sanibel Island
48. New York’s Big Ditch
49. The Day the Big Top Burned
50. Freedom from Pain
51. North of the Arctic Circle
52. Fashions in Food
53. The Psychology of Comics
54. How to Handle the Sun
55. Live Your Dreams
56. Charles
57. The Scholarship Jacket
58. Too Soon a Woman
59. The Boy from Lincoln School

◆ 上架建议

Lesson 6   She Plays Music for Plants
1   Mrs. Dorothy Retallack is a perfectly pleasant American lady who kills plants. She does it by playing rock music for them.
2   When Mrs. Retallack went to college, most of her classes were in music. But she also took a science course. To pass in science she had to do some tests with plants. Her teacher thought she should try experiments using music.
3   "What in the world can you do with music and plants?" asked Mrs. Retallack. Then she had an idea. She would play music for plants.
4   She planted seeds in small cups, each with the same kind of soil. She planted both garden and house plants---some vegetables and some flowers. When the plants started to grow, Mrs. Retallack divided them into groups of five. She placed these groups of plants in big closed cabinets on wheels. All the plants were put on the same watering schedule. The light, heat, and air were kept the same in all the cabinets.
5   The only difference between the cabinets was sound, or the lack of it. At one side of each cabinet was a loudspeaker. Through it, sound would be sent to the group of plants inside. Inside only one of the cabinets the plants would grow in silence.
6   Mrs. Retallack started her tests with piano tones. She gave some plants long sessions of these tones. They leaned away from the loudspeaker. Then they collapsed. In three weeks all were dead. But plants that had piano tones for just a short time grew well.
7   For the second test Mrs. Retallack used music from two different radio stations. One station played rock music. The other played soft music and hymns.
8   The group of plants receiving the rock station would not grow. The petunias in the group would not bloom. In a month all plants given rock music were dead. The plants given soft music were strong and healthy. The petunias among them had lovely blooms. The plants growing in silence were straight and well. But they were not as lush or strong-rooted as plants given soft music.
9   When she saw what had happened, Mrs. Retallack began to wonder what other people had found out about sound and plants. She learned that in India scientists had tried to increase plant yield with music. In Canada sounds of a high pitch had seemed to help the growth of wheat. In the United States, when scientists had broadcast city noise to plants, their-growth was cut almost in half. Another experimenter in the United States had found that plants seem to be able to show fear, worry, and even love.
10   Because of her hard work, Mrs. Retallack passed in science with high marks. And she kept on thinking about music and plants.
11  She had always believed that music could heal and noise could hurt. After seeing what music did to plants, she wanted to learn more. She made up her mind to spend the rest of her life studying what sound can do to plants — and to people.
12  Mrs. Retallack had seen that some sounds seemed to help plants. She felt that maybe there were sounds that would help man. She had seen that soft music seemed to be better for plants than complete silence. She thought perhaps there could be blends of musical notes that would strengthen people, improve their growth, and heal their illnesses.
13  If there really are such sounds, whoever finds them will do the world a great service. Perhaps in the future many others will join Mrs. Retallack, studying the effects of sound on people — and playing music for plants!

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