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六十春秋耕耘学术沃土 甲子华…





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人大社14年7月新书快递29-《常春藤英语 七级•四》



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书名:常春藤英语 七级•四             
作者:聂成军 何辉 周斌       
成品:170*228  页数:333

◆ 本书卖点

◆ 读者定位

◆ 作者简介

◆ 内容简介

◆ 简要目录
1. The Slave and the Lion
2. A Killer on the Cliff
3. The Girl in the Heather
4. The Droving
5. The Talking Mongoose
6. Speaking of Heroes
7. The Dog Nobody Owned
8. Life Is All about Choices
9. Amazing Grace
10. Rice for Thanksgiving
11. The Watch
12. Which Was Witch?
13. The Boy Who Cried Dinosaur
14. The Day I Unpacked the Snakes
15. The Left-Footed Thief
16. Adventure with a Turkey Vulture
17. Disaster in Dayton
18. The Vanished City
19. The All-American Slurp
20. The Confidence Game
21. Solving the Holdup
22. Arctic Adventure
23. How Hurricanes Get Their Names
24. Postmen with Feathers
25. Wild Animals Face to Face
26. Man Hunters of the U.S.A.
27. Danger—Keep Off
28. Procrastination
29. The Spindle, the Needle, and the Shuttle
30. Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata
31. A Child’s Dream of a Star
32. Prejudice
33. The Invisible Letter
34. Smiles
35. Icarus and Daedalus
36. Helios
37. The Enemy (1)
38. The Enemy (2)
39. Hamilton Smith’s Second Chance
40. King Kaid of India
41. How Americans Eat and Drink
42. Tilly’s Christmas
43. Ants
44. Daydream a Little
45. The White Goat
46. Just Play It!
47. Poppet’s Visit to the School
48. Lessons on Health—How to Keep Well
49. Lilacs and the Waiting List
50. A Miserable Merry Christmas
51. Henry Cecil
52. Personal Development: Speaking to an Audience
53. Mama and the Graduation Present
54. The Edge of the Primeval Forest
55. I Meet the Sheriff
56. In Praise of the F Word
57. Water in the Desert

◆ 上架建议

Lesson 2   A Killer on the Cliff
1    “What’s wrong, dad?” asked the boy. Something had wakened him. He went out and found his father standing on the steps, rifle in hand.
2    “Dingo, so, must be the one that has been killing our sheep.”
3    The silence of night was split by the long, shrill① wail of a dingo---the wild dog of Australia. The wail came from the cliff about a quarter of a mile from the house.
4    The boy’s father lifted his rifle. He fired several shots in the direction of the cliff②. “There, that ought to frighten him away,” he said.
5    In the morning the boy set off with his horse. He rode slowly along beside the old stone cliff, looking for signs of the dingo. Suddenly he saw it. It was lying flat③ on the branch of a tree that grew out from the high cliff face. It must have slipped over the edge of the cliff in its flight during the night. As it fell, it must have landed in the branches. Below the tree was a sudden drop of sixty feet. The dingo was trapped beautifully. The boy went to tell his father.
6    “Are you going to shoot it, dad?” he asked as they returned to the cliff.
7    “I guess so. It’ll only starve up there anyway.” He lifted the rifle and aimed. The boy waited for the shot but it never came. His father had lowered the rifle again.
8    “Aren’t you going to shoot it?” asked the boy.
9    “Not now, son.”
10    “Are you going to let it go?”
11    “Not if I can help it, son.”
12    “Then why don’t you shoot it?”
13    “It just doesn’t seem fair.”
14    Next day when they rode out,the dingo was still there. It seemed to be measuring the distance between the tree and the top of the cliff as though it would jump up. Still his father didn’t shoot it.
15    By the third day the dingo was starting to look thin and weak. The boy’s father raised his rifle slowly, almost sadly. He aimed and fired. The boy looked first at the ground, expecting to see the dingo’s dead body. Finding the ground bare, he looked up at the tree.
16    The dingo was still there. Never before had his father missed such an easy shot.
17    The frightened dingo glanced down at the ground. Then it moved back on its hind legs.
18   “Look, dad. It’s going to jump. Shoot it now. Quick.”
19   Suddenly the dingo sprang. The boy watched, expecting it to fall onto the ground. Instead he saw it sticking to the face of the cliff, and struggling wildly at the sliding rock. Its hind feet kicked upward.
20   “Now, dad,” the boy urged, “or it’ll get away.”
21    His father did not move.
22   The dingo stopped itself weakly over the top. Still his father didn’t raise the rifle. The dingo walked away from the edge of the cliff and moved slowly out of sight.
23   “You let it go!” the boy shouted.
24   “Yes, I let it go.” his father said.
25   “Why?”
26   “Guess I’m getting soft, son.”
27   “But to let a dingo go! After it killed all those sheep.”
28   His father looked at the tree swaying④ empty in the breeze. “There are some things, son.” He said, “that just don’t seem right for a man to do.”  
                                                           (584 words)

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