

六十春秋耕耘学术沃土 甲子华…





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六十春秋耕耘学术沃土 甲子华…





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人大社14年7月新书快递31-《常春藤英语 八级•二》



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书名:常春藤英语 八级•二              


作者:聂成军 林小林        

责任编辑:鞠方安 王琼

成品:170*228  页数:351







◆ 本书卖点








◆ 读者定位



◆ 作者简介



◆ 内容简介



◆ 简要目录

1. People and Colors 

2. Fable of the Lazy Teen-ager 

3. Measurement of Time 

4. The Story of “The Tempest“ I 

5. The Story of “The Tempest” II 

6. Hacking Our Senses to Boost Learning Power 

7. How a Pinetree Did Some Good 

8. Lost and Found 

9. Helping Kids Dealing With Bullies 

10. The Kindness of Strangers 

11. Violence on Television and Its Effects on Children 

12. The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse 

14. Learn English Online: How the Internet Is Changing Language 

15. The Story of Cyrus Field 

16. The Kangaroo 

17. River Rescue 

18. Email Backlash at the Office? 

19. The Story of William Shakespeare 

20. Sugar, Sugar 

21. Be Your Children’s Father, Not Their Friend 

22. How Johnny Bought a Sewing Machine 

23. Say Yes to Yourself 

24. About Love 

25. How to Build Better Friendships 

26. Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp I 

27. Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp II 

28. Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp III 

29. Health of the Body I 

30. Health of the Body II 

31. “Things This Good Don’t Happen to Kids Like Us” 

32. Hillary Clinton’s Concession Speech: Suspends Campaign, Endorses Obama I 

33. Hillary Clinton’s Concession Speech: Suspends Campaign, Endorses Obama II 

34. Plane Crash Survivors in the Alaskan Wilderness 

35. 5 Life Lessons People Learn Too Late 

36. Good Boys Deserve Favors 

37. Writing Comparison or Contrast Essays 

38. The Framework of the Body 

39. The Destruction of Pompeii 

40. A Drop of Water on Its Travels 

41. Graffiti: Street Art or Crime 

42. Lawrence’s Lesson 

43. Online Passwords: Keep It Complicated“Dad Will Build It” 

44. The World According to Claude 

45. A Trail of New Fortunes 

46. Do You Want to Help Build a Happier City? 

47. The Future of Ecommerce 

48. The Ugly Duckling I 

49. The Ugly Duckling II 

50. Do You Live to Work, or Work to Live? 

51. My Father’s Way 

52. Marketers Embracing QR Codes, for Better or Worse 

53. Caleb and Bertha 

54. The Printed Word 



◆ 上架建议




Lesson 8  Lost and Found

1. I liked being a mess. The desk that should have been clear so I could do my homework was always covered with bowls of cereal and spoiled milk, old magazines, and Post-it notes I had forgotten to remember. My floor was a vacuum① in itself, eating anything entering my room. It consumed sweaters, stuffed animals, socks, shoes. When I occasionally did laundry, I would dig up clothes I couldn’t even recall purchasing. My shelves overflowed with containers of little odds and ends: hair bands, chapstick, matches, loose mints, coins, earring backings. I couldn’t always see these things, but I knew that they were safe, nestled② somewhere on a shelf, like old friends in a phone book, I figured that someday I would find all the loose strings and tie them together.

   2. One lonely day in August, when all of my friends had yet to return from camp in Maine, visiting family in Florida, or some community-service trip in Mexico, something inside me began to itch③. I checked my e-mail, which was empty. I checked the DVR to see if any new shows had been recorded, but I had already seen everything.

3. I went downstairs and found my brother playing video games, my mom on the phone, and my dad in his office—everyone in their right place. I told my mom that something didn’t feel right, and she suggested that for once I should clean my room. The thought itself made me disgusting. I went upstairs to sulk④, feeling so overwhelmed that I might as well have been floundering without a boat in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

    4. When I opened the door to my bedroom, everything was in its usual cluttered ⑤arrangement. A plate of half-eaten pancakes sat on my desk, soggy with syrup from the morning. My bikini hung lifelessly from my doorknob, dripping pool water. My heavy covers lay crumpled and cold across my bed, molded by the twists and turns of the previous night. Piles of dirty clothes sat unsorted, collecting dust.

    5. I stood in the middle of the cluttered room, breathing in the filthy air that I had become so used to. In the silence of that moment, I began to hear the clock ticking. I became aware of the moldy smell. I noticed that a spider had spun a shimmering line from my lamp to the top of my mirror. I shivered in disgust. I remembered that winter how my stuffed animal, Vanilla, had fallen behind my dresser and I hadn’t noticed until I caught the repulsive scent of her fur burning against the heater, until it was too late and she was permanently covered in brown spots.

    6. I suddenly felt sympathy for everything in my room that I had buried, never to be seen again. Lost items I had blocked out for years made their   way back into my consciousness: my favorite yellow tank top, the picture of my mom and me on that boat in Jamaica, my baseball card collection.

    7. I had an urge to dive under my bed and uncover everything lurking in the murky depths of dust, and to climb up into the highest corners of my closet and rescue items that had been mingling with the spiders. The innocent piles were growing higher and higher until they were looming monsters before my eyes. They were threatening to swallow me whole. I had to get rid of them. And so I started to clean.

8. In a box buried under old textbooks, I found a letter that my Poppy had written me at camp. I hadn’t thought of him since his funeral. I suddenly remembered the thrill of running through cold sprinklers with my cousins, the spicy smell of barbecue mixing with the salty air at his beach house, and the distinct feel of his soft sweater rubbing warmly against my cheek each time he enveloped me in a hug. I remembered my dad rocking me to sleep the night Poppy died, and how the tears wouldn’t stop.

9. I sat with his picture, blocking out the rest of the mess around me. I was in the middle of a storm, but I sat there and studied him until I had memorized every line in his face. Tears began to roll down my cheeks again, and the relief was like the sound of heavy rain pounding on a roof at the end of a drought.

    10. In the drawer next to my bed, I found a friendship bracelet my childhood best friend, Aubrey, had given to me before she moved to California. I traced the green and purple pattern with my thumb, laughing about memories like dressing up as the Spice Girls for Halloween. She reminded me of the time we built a family of snowmen in my backyard and had a funeral for them when they’d melted. I had lost so many precious childhood memories over time, letting them slip away into the tide like grains of sand. It was the kind of conversation you never want to end because for each moment we talked, it felt like a bucket collecting droplets of water from a leak.

    11. Under my bed I even found that picture of my mom and me in Jamaica. I had forgotten how turquoise the water had looked from our shop, but what really caught my attention, though, was my image. I had buck teeth, short hair, and pimples covering my face. I stared at that girl, barely able to recognize this person who had drowned in the mess of my room so many years before. I decided to completely reorganize and revamp my room so that all the books, belts, and baskets were in their right place. It was like finding the missing pieces of the puzzle.

12. The finishing touch was framing that photo and hanging it high up on my wall. After all, it was me I had been searching for.                 






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