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六十春秋耕耘学术沃土 甲子华…





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人大社14年7月新书快递33-《常春藤英语 八级•四》



/UploadFiles/XXGL/2014/7/人大社14年7月新书快递33-《常春藤英语 八级•四》.doc



书名:常春藤英语 八级•四              


作者:聂成军 胡湘华        


成品:170*228  页数:356







◆ 本书卖点







◆ 读者定位


◆ 作者简介


◆ 内容简介


◆ 简要目录

1. Mother Tongue 

2. And the Orchestra Played On 

3. The Trouble with Online Education 

4. William the Silent 

5. Don Quixote and the Lion 

6. Florence Nightingale—the World’s Greatest Nurse 

7. Education Is Supposed to Make You Rich,Nnot Wealthy 

8. Polaroid 

9. Childhood 

10. The “Busy” Trap 

11. Checkouts 

12. Two Ways of Seeing a River 

13. On Being 17, Bright, and Unable to Read 

14. Ronny’s Book 

15. After Twenty Years 

16. Traveling with a Beaver 

17. Swipe, Pinch and Zoom to the Courtroom 

18. Sweet Rituals 

19. The Trail of the Sandhill Stag 

20. John Glenn and His Day in Space 

21. The Sniper 

22. Hunger 

23. Invented Words 

24. The Education of Harry Gold 

25. The Surprise of His Life 

26. The Pedestrian 

27. Sportswriting 

28. The Luncheon 

29. Boys and Girls (1)  

30. Boys and Girls (2)  

31. Boys and Girls (3)  

32. Boys and Girls (4)  

33. The Piracy of Privacy: Why Marketers Must Bare Our Souls 

34. Run, Boy, Run! (1)  

35. Run, Boy, Run! (2) 

36. Child Pioneer 

37. The Story of an Hour 

38. Two Ways to Belong in America 

39. “I Just Wanna Be Average” 

40. Doubts about Doublespeak 

41. Hands 

42. Ice Cover Affects Lake Levels in Surprising Ways 

43. Marked Women, Unmarked Men 

44. Momma, the Dentist, and Me 

45. What Was the Greatest Speech 

46. The Liberty Ship 

47. The Satellite Space Station. 

48. Admiral Byrd at the Sixth Continent 

49. They Called It the Associated Press 

50. In Defense of Dangerous Ideas 


◆ 上架建议



Lesson 15  After Twenty Years 

1   The policeman on the beat (1) moved up the avenue. The time was barely 10 o’clock at night, but chilly gusts of wind with a taste of rain in them had almost depeopled the streets.

2   Trying doors as he went, playing with his wooden stick with many artful movements, turning now and then to cast his watchful eye down the pacific main road, the officer, with his strong form and slight swagger (2), made a fine picture of a guard of the peace. The neighborhood was one that kept early hours. Now and then you might see the lights of a cigar store or of an all-night lunch counter; but the majority of the doors belonged to business places that had long since been closed.

3   When about midway of a certain block the policeman suddenly slowed his walk. In the doorway of a darkened hardware store a man leaned, with an unlighted cigar in his mouth. As the policeman walked up to him the man spoke up quickly.

4   “It’s all right, officer,” he said, “I’m just waiting for a friend. It’s an appointment made twenty years ago. Sounds a little funny to you, doesn’t it? Well, I’ll explain if you’d like to make certain it’s all straight. About that long ago there used to be a restaurant where this store stands - ‘Big Joe’ Brady’s restaurant.”

5   “Until five years ago,” said the policeman. “It was torn down then.”

6   The man in the doorway struck (3) a match and lit his cigar. The light showed a pale, square-jawed face with keen eyes, and a little white scar near his right eyebrow. His scarfpin (4) was a large diamond, oddly set.

7   “Twenty years ago to-night,” said the man, “I dined here at ‘Big Joe’ Brady’s with Jimmy Wells, my best friend, and the finest guy in the world. He and I were raised here in New York, just like two brothers, together. I was eighteen and Jimmy was twenty. The next morning I was to start for the West to make my fortune. You couldn’t have dragged Jimmy out of New York; he thought it was the only place on earth. Well, we agreed that night that we would meet here again exactly twenty years from that date and time, no matter what our conditions might be or from what distance we might have to come. We figured that in twenty years each of us ought to have our destiny worked out and our fortunes made, whatever they were going to be.”

8   “It sounds pretty interesting,” said the policeman. “Rather a long time between meets, though, it seems to me. Haven’t you heard from your friend since you left?”

9   “Well, yes, for a time we corresponded,” said the other. “But after a year or two we lost track of each other. But I know Jimmy will meet me here if he’s alive, for he always was the truest old friend in the world. He’ll never forget. I came a thousand miles to stand in this door to-night, and it’s worth it if my old partner turns up.”

10  The waiting man pulled out a handsome watch, the lids of it set with small diamonds.

11  “Three minutes to ten,” he announced. “It was exactly ten o’clock when we parted here at the restaurant door.”

12  “Did pretty well out West, didn’t you?” asked the policeman.

13  “You bet! I hope Jimmy has done half as well. He was a kind of plodder, someone who works slowly, though, good fellow as he was. “

14  The policeman turned his wooden stick around and took a step or two.

15  “I’ll be on my way. Hope your friend comes around all right. Going to call time on him sharp?”

16  “I should say not!” said the other. “I’ll give him half an hour at least. If Jimmy is alive on earth he’ll be here by that time. So long, officer.”

17  “Goodnight, sir,” said the policeman, passing on along his beat, trying doors as he went.

18  There was now a fine, cold drizzle falling, and the wind had risen from its uncertain puffs (5) into a steady blow. The few foot passengers astir in that quarter hurried silently along with coat collars turned high and pocketed hands. And in the door of the hardware store the man who had come a thousand miles to fill an appointment, uncertain almost to absurdity, with the friend of his youth, smoked his cigar and waited.

19  About twenty minutes he waited, and then a tall man in a long overcoat, with collar turned up to his ears, hurried across from the opposite side of the street. He went directly to the waiting man.

20  “Is that you, Bob?” he asked, doubtfully.

21  “Is that you, Jimmy Wells?” cried the man in the door.

22  “Bless my heart!” exclaimed (6) the new arrival, grasping both the other’s hands with his own. “It’s Bob, sure as fate. I was certain I’d find you here if you were still in existence. Well, well, well! - twenty years is a long time. The old gone, Bob; I wish it had lasted, so we could have had another dinner there. How has the West treated you, old man?”

23  “Bully; it has given me everything I asked it for. You’ve changed lots, Jimmy. I never thought you were so tall by two or three inches.”

24  “Oh, I grew a bit after I was twenty.”

25  “Doing well in New York, Jimmy?”

26  “Moderately. I have a position in one of the city departments. Come on, Bob; we’ll go around to a place I know of, and have a good long talk about old times.”

27  The two men started up the street, arm in arm. The man from the West, his egotism enlarged by success, was beginning to outline the history of his career. The other, submerged in his overcoat, listened with interest.

28  At the corner stood a drug store, brilliant with electric lights. When they came into this glare each of them turned simultaneously to gaze upon the other’s face.

29  The man from the West stopped suddenly and released his arm.


(1008 words)

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