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六十春秋耕耘学术沃土 甲子华…





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人大社15年9月新书快递23-《常青树英语 六级(高一)•上》



/UploadFiles/XXGL/2015/9/人大社15年9月新书快递23-《常青树英语 六级(高一)•上》.doc


书名:常青树英语 六级(高一)•上             


作者:高洪德 张涛 徐汉东 阚小鹏 杨复春     


成品:177*228  页数:243







◆ 本书卖点






◆ 读者定位



◆ 作者简介




◆ 内容简介



◆ 简要目录

Lesson 1 What Is the Best Day of the Year 

Lesson 2 The May Basket 

Lesson 3 The Prince and the Judge 

Lesson 4 The Gate without a Latch 

Lesson 5 True Courage 

Lesson 6 To Spank or Not to Spank 

Lesson 7 Write or Wrong: the Death of Handwriting 

Lesson 8 Gwendolyn Brooks 

Lesson 9 The Heroic Daughter 

Lesson 10 Cheerfulness 

Lesson 11 Stories of the Elephant 

Lesson 12 5 Ways to Stop Giving Negative People Too Much Power in Your Life 

Lesson 13 The West India Islands 

Lesson 14 Why Tablets Are Invading the Classroom 

Lesson 15 Take a Moment to Really See 

Lesson 16 A Note to Mothers of Only Children—from an Only Child 

Lesson 17 Dreams Change the World 

Lesson 18 The Best Advice I Ever Had 

Lesson 19 We "Discovered" Our Town 

Lesson 20 Annie's Dream 

Lesson 21 More than One Way to the Square 

Lesson 22 Perseverance 

Lesson 23 Martial Arts 

Lesson 24 The Grimm Brothers 

Lesson 25 Harry's Riches 

Lesson 26 Susie's Composition 

Lesson 27 Who Speaks for the Animals? 

Lesson 28 The Ice Cream Girl 

Lesson 29 Wish You Weren't Here 

Lesson 30 School Colors 

Lesson 31 A Dog of Flanders(Ⅰ) 

Lesson 32 A Dog of Flanders(Ⅱ) 

Lesson 33 The Ugly Duckling 

Lesson 34 The Judge and the Beetle 

Lesson 35 Thin Ice 

Lesson 36 Differences Between British and American Cultures 

Lesson 37 The Man with the Cane 

Lesson 38 The Gentleman in White 

Lesson 39 The Heroic Serf 

Lesson 40 Why the Sea Is Salt 

Lesson 41 The Beaver 

Lesson 42 A Natural Phenomenon—Total Eclipse of the Sun 

Lesson 43 The Honest Woodman 

Lesson 44 Coffee 

Lesson 45 Fidelity 

Lesson 46 The Code Talkers 

Lesson 47 Try Again 

Lesson 48 Columbus 

Lesson 49 How the Oak Tree Became King 

Lesson 50 The Daisy and the Lark 



◆ 上架建议



Lesson 3 The Prince and the Judge


To correct mistakes immediately you realize them is the best choice. 知错能改,善莫大焉。


Henry V was as brave a King as ever sat on the English throne, and gained ( 获得) one of the greatest victories ever won by English soldiers.

But when he was Prince of Wales, he was a very wild and riotous ( 放荡的) youth. He mixed with low companions, who led him to do many base ( 不光彩的) and foolish acts, quite unworthy of a Prince. 

Once one of his friends was tried for some offense before the Lord Chief Justice. He was found guilty and was ordered to be sent to prison.

When the Prince, who was in the court, heard the sentence, he fell into a great rage. He spoke very rudely to the Judge, and ordered him to let his friend off.

“Prison,” he said, “is no place for a Prince’s friend. I am Prince of Wales, and I forbid you to send this man to prison, like a common thief.”

“Prince or no Prince,” replied the Judge, “you have no right to speak thus to the King’s Judge. I have sworn ( 宣誓) to do justice; and justice I shall do.”

¬ The Prince, getting more angry, then tried to set the prisoner free himself. But the Judge told him it was none of his business, and ordered him to cease from such riot in court.

The calmness with which the Judge spoke made the Prince even more angry; and he rushed up to the bench, and struck the Judge a severe blow on the face!

For this, the Judge ordered the officers of the court to seize the Prince, and take him to prison with his friend. “I do this,” he said, “not because he has done me harm, but because he has insulted ( 损害) the honor of the law.”

Turning again to the Prince, he added, “Young man, you will one day be King. How can you expect your subjects to obey you then, if you yourself thus disobey the King’s laws now?”

On hearing this, the Prince was very much ashamed of himself. He had not a word to say, but, laying down his sword, he bowed to the Judge, and walked quietly off to prison.

When the King (Henry IV) heard of this incident, he said, “Happy is the King that has a Judge who so fearlessly enforces the laws, and a son who knows how to submit to them.”

Shortly after this Prince had been crowned King, many of his people came to pay their respects to him. Some of those who knew how wild he had been as a young man, were anxious to know how he would act as King.

Among the rest came some of his former riotous companions, expecting, no doubt, to be made at once the King’s chief favorite.

But they were mistaken. The King told them that he had given up his foolish ways, and advised them to do the same. Nor would he let them come about his person, until they had shown that they had learned better manners.

¬ The Judge also came, not knowing how he would be received. He feared that he might lose his office; but he did not care, as he had only done his duty.

He was also mistaken. ¬ e King received him very kindly and thanked him for the sharp lesson he had given him. He told him still to keep the office which he had so worthily filled.

“If ever,” said the King, “I have a son who shall behave as I did to you, may I have a Judge as bold and faithful as you to correct him!”


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