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人大社15年9月新书快递27-《常青树英语 八级(高三)》



/UploadFiles/XXGL/2015/9/人大社15年9月新书快递27-《常青树英语 八级(高三)》.doc


书名:常青树英语 八级(高三)            


作者:高洪德 张涛 陈勇 宋立泽 崔洪兵     


成品:177*228  页数:272







◆ 本书卖点






◆ 读者定位



◆ 作者简介




◆ 内容简介



◆ 简要目录

Lesson 1 Everything Happens for the best 

Lesson 2 Driverless Cars 

Lesson 3 The Best Teacher I Ever Had 

Lesson 4 Seven Smart Credit Card Tricks—How to Beat the Bank 

Lesson 5 Never Judge a Book from Its Cover 

Lesson 6 New Smart Suitcases 

Lesson 7 The Smile Is the Beginning of Love 

Lesson 8 Death by Robot 

Lesson 9 Be Still with God 

Lesson 10 2014—The Warmest Year in Records 

Lesson 11 Put the Effort in Every Day 

Lesson 12 The Big Challenges of the Online Grocery Business 

Lesson 13 A Letter to My Daughters 

Lesson 14 A Walk with Friends Is the Path to Good Health 

Lesson 15 The Meaning and Power of Smell 

Lesson 16 The Professor and the Yo-Yo 

Lesson 17 Jacob’s Chicken 

Lesson 18 The Death of Hitler 

Lesson 19 Time Travel 

Lesson 20 Icarus 

Lesson 21 The Story of the Bad Little Boy 

Lesson 22 Yawning 

Lesson 23 Mandela's Garden 

Lesson 24 Water in the Desert 

Lesson 25 A Day's Wait 

Lesson 26 Helios 

Lesson 27 Daydream a Little 

Lesson 28 Oedipus 

Lesson 29 Big Red 

Lesson 30 The Weird Science Behind Why We Cry—There's a physiological 

reason for why we shed tears 

Lesson 31 The American as Noble Man 

Lesson 32 What Is a Great Book? 

Lesson 33 Three Days to See 

Lesson 34 People and Colors 

Lesson 35 Looks Can Be Deceiving 

Lesson 36 Hacking Our Senses to Boost Learning Power 

Lesson 37 Education Reform Pushed Forward 

Lesson 38 Lost and Found 

Lesson 39 The Kindness of Strangers 

Lesson 40 Learn English Online: How the Internet Is Changing Language 

Lesson 41 The Kangaroo 

Lesson 42 Are Cities Bad for the Environment? 

Lesson 43 The Risks of Cigarette Smoke 

Lesson 44 Carrots Improve Your Vision 

Lesson 45 The Role of Governments in Environmental Management 

Lesson 46 Harry Potter Reveals Secrets of the Brain 

Lesson 47 Anchors Aweigh! How Does Pressure Propel Sailboats? 

Lesson 48 Human Activities Threaten Coral Reefs 



◆ 上架建议



Lesson 1 Everything Happens for the Best


Whenever you face disappointment, or meet with difficulty, what do your parents do to you? Here is the story about Ronald Wilson Reagan, the 40th President of the USA, which can be of great benefit to you. 每当你遇到挫折或者困惑时,你的父母会如何处置?下面这则故事讲的是美国第40 任总统罗纳德• 威尔逊• 里根的经历,它定会给你很大的启示。


“Everything happens for the best,” my mother said whenever I faced disappointment. “If you carry on, one day something good will happen. And you’ll realize that it wouldn’t have happened if not for that previous disappointment.” 

Mother was right, as I discovered after graduating from college in 1932, I had decided to try for a job in radio, then work my way up to a sports announcer. I hitchhiked to Chicago and knocked on the door of every station—and got turned down every time.

In one studio, a kind lady told me that big stations couldn’t risk hiring an inexperienced person. “Go out in the sticks and find a small station that’ll give you a chance,” she said.

I thumbed home to Dixon, Illinois. While there were no radio-announcing jobs in Dixon, my father said Montgomery Ward had opened a store and wanted a local athlete to manage its sports department. Since Dixon was where I had played high school football, I applied. The job sounded just right for me. But I wasn’t hired.

 My disappointment must have shown. “Everything happens for the best.” Mom reminded me. Dad offered me the car to hunt a job. I tried WOC Radio in Davenport, Iowa. The program director, a wonderful Scotsman named Peter MacArthur told me they had already hired an announcer.

As I left his office, my frustration boiled over. I asked aloud, “How can a fellow get to be a sports announcer if he can’t get a job in a radio station?”

I was waiting for the elevator when I heard MacArthur calling, “What was that you said about sports? Do you know anything about football?” Then he stood me before a microphone and asked me to broadcast an imaginary game. The preceding autumn, my team had won a game in the last 20 seconds with a 65-yard run. I did a 15-minute build-up to that play, and Peter told me I would be broadcasting Saturday’s game!

On my way home, as I have many times since, I thought of my mother’s words: “If you carry on, one day something good will happen. Something wouldn’t have happened if not for that previous disappointment.” I often wonder what direction my life might have taken if I’d gotten the job at Montgomery Ward.

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