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六十春秋耕耘学术沃土 甲子华…





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人大社15年9月新书快递34-《常青树英语 五级(初三)•上》



/UploadFiles/XXGL/2015/9/人大社15年9月新书快递34-《常青树英语 五级(初三)•上》.doc


书名:常青树英语 五级(初三)•上             


作者:高洪德 张涛 张志清    


成品:177*228  页数:187







◆ 本书卖点






◆ 读者定位



◆ 作者简介




◆ 内容简介

《常青树英语 五级(初三)•上》的编写遵循了《义务教育英语课程标准》的要求,符合中国英语教学实际,难度上契合我国初中(三年级)学生的英语学习现状。全册以课程标准24个话题为主线,材料的选取与现行教材的话题相匹配。五级上册每篇控制在150~400词,设置了47篇文章。每篇文章前面都有阅读导语,以引起学生的阅读兴趣,并配有生动有趣的插图。课后配有多样化的学习任务。


◆ 简要目录

Lesson 1 Tips for a New School Year Start 

Lesson 2 New Year’s Resolution 

Lesson 3 How to Manage Your Time 

Lesson 4 I Like Travel 

Lesson 5 My Stay in Thailand 

Lesson 6 Traveling with the Pet Rabbit 

Lesson 7 Mom Calls the Shots on Son’s iPhone 

Lesson 8 The Selfie Bug 

Lesson 9 An Experiment 

Lesson 10 Communication Between Parents and Teenagers 

Lesson 11 Let’s Climb Popo 

Lesson 12 How to Handle Problems at School 

Lesson 13 A Lovely Girl 

Lesson 14 A Friend 

Lesson 15 Teen Cliques 

Lesson 16 A Friend in Need 

Lesson 17 Friend Problems: If You Have a Friend in Need 

Lesson 18 Make It Come True 

Lesson 29 Follow Your Dream 

Lesson 20 Risking 

Lesson 21 The Law of Life Grandma Taught Me 

Lesson 22 Never Underestimate Your Power 

Lesson 23 Keep Your Goals in Sight 

Lesson 24 A Simple Gesture 

Lesson 25 Is It OK to Carry a Backpack on Just One Shoulder? 

Lesson 26 “What’s the Right Weight for My Height?” 

Lesson 27 Cigarette Smoking 

Lesson 28 Do You Get Enough Sleep? 

Lesson 29 Chinese Tea 

Lesson 30 Colorful Rice 

Lesson 31 How to Follow Italian Table Manners 

Lesson 32 Happiness Doesn’t Need a List 

Lesson 33 “Eat-up” Campaign on Campus 

Lesson 34 Working Christmas Day 

Lesson 35 New Rules and Behavior Standards for Middle School Students 

Lesson 36 A Boy and His Tree 

Lesson 37 If the Dream Is Big Enough 

Lesson 38 The Old Man and His Donkey 

Lesson 39 What to Do If You’re Caught in a Storm 

Lesson 40 Rainy Britain 

Lesson 41 The Story of the Morning-glory Seed 

Lesson 42 I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud 

Lesson 43 O Captain! My Captain! 

Lesson 44 Where Will We Go from Here? 

Lesson 45 From the Horseless Carriage to the Intelligent Car 

Lesson 46 Communicating in the Information Age 

Lesson 47 What’s Up with the Weather? 



◆ 上架建议



Lesson 1  Tips for a New School Year Start


How to beat the stress and organize your study environment? 新的学期已经来临,有的同学满怀信心,有的同学却忧心忡忡。亲爱的同学们,面对新的压力和挑战,你们准备好了吗?或许你会从下面的建议中获取灵感呢!


The summer holiday is over. Some students are thirsty for knowing their new teacher and meeting their friends to share their summer adventures, and while others are more worried about the new year. Here are some tips to help you beat the stress and organize your study environment.

Reconnecting with a healthy lifestyle

During holidays, children have often been allowed to sleep late and eat a little of what they wanted at any time. The first thing to do is to help yourself make a smooth start and not to wait until the last day to find a healthy lifestyle. You should get used to having regular and reasonable hours of sleep and eating healthy food. This of course needs several days of “rehabilitation.” The ideal thing is to start reconnecting with a healthy lifestyle one week to ten days before school starts. 

Create a pleasant study environment

A few days before school starts, do a tidy-up of the desk and the shelves. Sort and throw away the relics of the past year. Donate your old books, pens and school things if they are still usable. Clean up your desk. Make it a comfortable place to do your homework. Your workplace should be a quiet well-lit corner where it feels good.

Talk over with your parents

If you feel anxious of the new school year, it is very important to talk to your parents about your fears. They will surely find a way to help you get over your fears and gain confidence. They will certainly show you that they believe in your abilities, and will be willing to help you with your first pieces of homework if need be.

Beat stress

If you are overly anxious about performance, work through your negative beliefs, especially the beliefs about the implications of school failure. Good performance will be achieved only when you beat your fears and discover your own personal worth.

Set goals

Enjoy setting goals for yourself, so you can get over your weaknesses and reach your full potential. Your study goals must be realistic and achievable. For example, start with small steps to reach higher targets.


    Achieving some goals will certainly motivate you to reach more challenging targets. Another motivating factor would be to understand that you work mainly for yourself and your future career. You must understand that studying well is your chance for self-development.

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